Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I (L) Art

I study this career because i love art and i love the philosophy to. I really think that the arts theory is so amazing. You can never stop to find new things in the world and in the mind of the people. The Philosophy helps to improve your mental habilities. And tha is the reason because i study this career! I believe in the contribution of the arts theory it's a contribuition in the way that helps the cultural traffic and makes the reflexion gets closer to people. And in the same way In the future like professional the tools that will be util for me . Because the with more cultural traffic i will have more works oportunities. A good cultural traffic provides me to the oportunities to make more publications has theoric. Locate my area and improve the oportunities and the interest. My favorurite subject is so obvious , i love the estetics and the philosophy and i really wanna make to this my future, because i don´t so anything better, only smile. :)
And that so, i love my career, and i wanna make to this my life.

Monday, April 20, 2009

:D All the Sundays!

Well, First I want to say that I love my country. I think that Chile is a very wonderfull place to grow up and live. I love the south of Chile it`s so beautifull, but i belive that is not necessary go so far away to enjoy Chile because in Santiago, the city where i live , you can find many places to visit and have a good time. One of that was the Forestal park, in this place the sundays you can go to see many of diferents kinds of cultural activities, music, arts, dance and you can buy some clothes to. Because in the park all the sundays a street market set up ... the prices was so convinient!. You can find to a lot of festivals to , and you can visit the MAC and the Museum of fine arts, and a lot of gallerys to. I love to go to the forestal park , to sell my old clothes and to buy the old clothes of other people or his books to. I really love this place and is a ritual for me go all the sundays with my friends. I really think that you have to go, it´s so funny . The only thing that i hate was the garbage that the people throw up. That is soo stupid, is a very nice place and we have to protect.

Monday, April 13, 2009

For english ....all righttttttttttt !! :D

My name is claudia ...I have twenty years old.
This is my Blog for english, i do this because my teacher beatriz jaramillo ask me to do this.
This is my first blog, i never do this before. But i think that it´s so funny.
I don´t know just do this!

I study Art Theory in the University of Chile. And this is my third year.
I love the music, the winter, and my mom. She was so pretty :D