My Favourite Web side was...Mercado libre http://www.mercadolibre.cl/ and I discovered it looking for Clothes and shoes in internet. Mercado libre was a very popular web, were you can buy clothes in so low prices. And you can find stranges things to. You can buy and sold all kind of wonderfull things. You have to create a account and loading your photos of the things thant you wanna sold, and that`s it.
I visit this site every day looking for diferents offers. And for see my active products to. I sold everything for internet. I`ts so convenient. The only thing that you have to do is upload you photos. And put a price . The people ask about your products. And buy you everything ,even your old clothes ;) . YOU Can buy and sell anything on Mercado libre!!! I im a fan of Vans Canvas shoe, and in this page i find so diferents models in so low prices. Handbags , accesories, pets, books and tickets to concerts toooo!
I love mercado libre and I always will (L)

Other WEb that i love was http://www.fuse.tv/ where you can see videos and download music free , to the groups that i Really loveee!